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  • Writer's pictureGüçlen Aksu

Cash Flow

After “Amygdala of Institutions”, which was on the naturalization of social relations and institutions, it is inevitable to refocus on the issue of time. Time is the most basic element in our mind and language.

The imagination of time in the business world can clearly be seen in the phrases this concept and its variations are most frequently expressed: “Working hours”, “due date”, “time is money”, “payment due”, etc.

These phrases demonstrate that the dominance of the time of productivity and profitability over the time of our body and mind. Moreover, they imply another major determinant in our perception of time: Money.

Overtime is charged (rarely). If commitments are not fulfilled on time, the elapsed time is compensated in money. Interest adds on overdue payments: For the great organism that circulates the strange liquid called money in its veins, time is indeed money.

On the other hand, the calculation of time over cash results in the anxiety of missing anything.

Time is take as a homogeneous entity in business. However it does not feel so in activities that we are involved in with pleasure, such as being with our loved ones, watching a good movie, listening to a wonderful song, or having a never-ending afternoon in a quiet corner in nature. Moments can become "fountains of eternity" if we are not struggling to catch up with something.

While working, establishing or running a business, and dealing with complicated accounting, the flow that we can't keep up with is a cash flow, not time.

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